Process management(2014 – )
Green Deal Green Roofs

Foundation GD Green Roofs
Vegetated roofs offer several advantages. For example capturing particulates, reducing heat stress in cities, buffering of water during heavy rains and increasing biodiversity. It also offers the enlarging of outdoor living space in cities.
Beyond the investors personal benefits there are many communal benefits to green roofs. The initiator Leven Op Daken (Living on Roofs) is searching for ways to scale up green roofs together with municipalities, water boards, financial institutions and research institutions. This is done in a Green Deal.
- Governments: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Municipality Almere, Amsterdam, Enschede, Rotterdam and Tilburg, Amsterdam Rooftop Solutions, Waterschappen Amstel, Gooi en Vecht, Aa en Maas, de Dommel, en Vechtstromen
- Industry Associations: VEBIDAK, VHG Industry Associations of entrepreneurs in green, Association for Vegetating Buildings (Vereniging Bouwwerk Begroeners)
- Businesses: Living on Roofs, BDA Group, BTL Nederland, Mastum Roof Systems, Optigreen, Nelen & Schuurmans, Sempergreen, Van der Tol Groep, Zinco Benelux
- Finance: Achmea, Nationaal Groenfonds, Rabobank
- Knowledge organisations: Amsterdam Rainproof, Hogeschool Inholland, NIOO, Stichting Roof Update, SBRCURnet, VIBA-Expo, Dutch Butterfly Conservation, Vogelbescherming
- Users/ pilot locations: Housing association Domijn
Stimulating the use of green roofs nationwide by
- Developing a new social business model
- Identifying opportunities to be exploited, and where possible breaking down barriers
- To test the concept using pilot schemes
Role and activities
Process management | organising and facilitating 6 workshops | results new social business model, identifying opportunities and bottlenecks | to make it possible for people to connect with the theme |
Together with Carleen Mesters, Stroom en Onderstroom
Previous work
Feasibility study(2013)
Green Deal Green Roofs
Leven op Daken
After a pitch at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Leven op Daken (living on roofs) took the initiative to let the opportunities of a Green Deal be investigated. Ministries, municipalities, provinces, water boards and similar organisations were approached for participation in a Green Deal Green Roofs. The result was a plan of action and a concept text for the Green Deal.
Together with Betty de Keizer, De Keizer Kennismakelaar