Process management (2015 – 2016)
Tax differentiation

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
The basis for the project emerged during the first phase of the Green Deal Green Roofs. Tax differentiation can be put forward as an incentive for broader awareness on keeping rainwater local. The question is: how can tax differentiation be organized so the owner of a green roof pays less taxes, if this roof has a positive effect on the amount of rainwater entering the sewerage and purification system. In the project, attention was given to legislative, financial and technical aspects of tax differentiation for sewage charges, water tax and property tax.
AMBOR creatie guided the process as part of the Green Deal and developed the final report in collaboration with Stroom en Onderstroom.
- Project team: atelier GROENBLAUW, AT Osborne, Nelen & Schuurmans, Sterk Consulting, WATERmaat, Visser Advies.
- Working group from Green Deal Green Roofs: Leven op Daken, VEBIDAK, Van der Tol, municipality of Enschede, water boards Aa en Maas, De Dommel, Vechtstromen
To explore the possibilities for tax differentiation by
- Collecting and describing international practices
- Exploring barriers and opportunities
Role and activities
Process management | report development
In collaboration with Carleen Mesters, Stroom en Onderstroom