City of Utrecht’s ‘Rooftop Vision’

Photo credit: Jan Knoop

The City of Utrecht has asked NextGreen to help it develop a ‘Rooftop Vision’ in 2021. With ‘no rooftop unused’ by 2050 as the overall goal, the municipality is working on a ‘Sustainable Rooftop Ambition’ document. Starting out from existing policy goals, a detailed ambition document will be drawn up to set out what the city’s rooftop landscape should look like. Internal dialogue and the participation of various stakeholders in the city should create an understanding of how and where energy rooftops (e.g. solar panels), green-blue rooftops (which help to reduce run-off), biodiverse rooftops and multifunctional rooftops can help us to cope with heat stress and flooding, the transition to renewable energy, and to improve biodiversity. Furthermore, the ambition document will provide guidelines for realising a sustainable rooftop landscape through a combination of policy instruments and innovative ways of financing.

Read more on the project page for Utrecht’s Rooftop Vision.