Finance sessions Madrid – EU Business & Nature Summit

Banks and investors are increasingly playing a role in halting the loss of biodiversity and ‘bending the curve’ towards the recovery of ecosystems. At the EU Business & Nature Summit (EBNS) in Madrid, NextGreen facilitated two finance sessions, including contributions from ASN Bank, CDC Biodiversité, Triodos Bank Spain, OECD, IUCN, UNEP-WCMC, Global Reporting Initiative, ACCA, Trucost-S&P and CREM.

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Factsheets on ensuring climate adaptation in private property

Private property has a very significant role to play in dealing with our changing climate, from extreme rainfall to extended periods of heat and drought. The effects of this can clearly be seen in our cities. Fortunately, there are various policy options that municipalities and water boards can use to incorporate climate-adaption measures into their policy.
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