Green Roofs present Guide Nature Roofs

On the 28th of March Donné Slangen, Director of Nature at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, was issued the Guide Nature Roofs (Handreiking Natuurdaken, in Dutch). This guide deals with roof design, plants, and facilities to help birds, butterflies, bees and other species with food, safety and reproduction. The guide was composed by Green Deal Green Roofs partners, with process management and advice NextGreen.

On the right: Wilco van Heerwaarden (BTL Groep and Green Deal Green Roofs) presents the Guide Nature Roofs to Donné Slangen (director of Nature and deputy Directorate-General for Nature, Fisheries and Rural Affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality). Photo: Merlijn Michon

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Pilots Financial incentives for climate adaptation

The impact project ‘Rainwater, tax or reward‘ (Hemelwater belasten of belonen) by the work stream Differentiating Taxes of the Green Deal Green Roofs has developed into the new ‘Alliance financial incentives for climate adaptation’ (Alliantie financiële prikkels voor klimaatadaptatie). This alliance is working together with new partners, in association with the Delta Plan on Spatial Adaptation. The Alliance aims to stimulate citizens and companies to (re)arrange their buildings and gardens in a climate adaptive way and focuses on learning through pilots. This way they seek to further develop these incentives together.

To further research and develop the essential effects of the different financial incentives, the Alliance will carry out pilots with corresponding cross-sectioned working groups. These working groups will engage in collective research subjects and will, if necessary, conduct their own research.

For the period 2019-2020 local authorities have the possibility to receive a financial contribution (Dutch) from the Government to hire expertise to carry out the pilots ‘financial incentives’ (financiële prikkels).

On the 6th of June the Alliance meets up to accentuate the pilots and together define the agenda for the different working groups. Local authorities who are interested can apply by sending an e-mail to

The Alliance Financial Incentives for Climate Adaption was preceded by:

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Business case, participation and putting Infra Nature out to tender

Biodiversity in the Netherlands has been under pressure for some years now. Because the Netherlands has an extensive and dense infrastructure network, it is especially important to create more biodiversity in this network. Several parties within the Green Deal Infra Nature have studied and exploited this potential. Guidelines on how to integrate biodiversity into tenders, environmental management and business models have been drawn up.

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