Dialogue Natural Capital (2015)

Ministry of Economic Affairs

When it comes to ‘natural capital’, better investment strategies and innovative revenue models are essential for leveraging the business case for sustainable business practices. What is needed is a combination of shared goals, more and clearer information, and the resulting societal awareness.

These are the conclusions, in a nutshell, of the dialogue that was organized by NextGreen in late 2015 between the Dutch central government and a number of different societal sectors. The participants concluded that innovative partnerships are essential for ensuring the resilience of natural capital.


  • SMEs and agriculture-based organisations: Foreco, Huiberts Bloembollen, KAVB, Oogenlust, Metta standaard, Natuurmonumenten, VHG hoveniers in het groen, Vlinderstichting
  • Large businesses and supply chains: ASML, BAM, CREM, Desso, DSM, Eneco, Groningen Seaports, Heijmans, Heineken, Interface, IUCN NL, MVO Nederland, NS, Philips, Platform BEE, Schiphol, True Price, VNO-NCW
  • Accountants: BDO, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, NBA, PwC, Raad voor de Jaarverslaggeving
  • Finance: ABN AMRO, Achmea, ASN Bank, Commonland, De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar, Nationaal Groenfonds, IUCN NL, J. Safra Sarasin Bank, NLII, Rabobank, SNS Bank, Triodos, VBDO
  • Local governments: CBS, De 12 Landschappen, City of Haarlem, NEVI, PBL, PIANOo, Province of Noord-Brabant, Province of Noord-Holland, Province of Zuid-Holland, RIVM, VNG, Water board Noorderzijlvest, RWS, WUR
  • Dutch central government: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment


To identify the next steps for natural capital by

  • Organising five workshops with pioneers and participants of active programs
  • Formulating prior routes for action
  • Specifying the role, collaboration and actions of parties

Role and activities NextGreen

Organising dialogue | Co-facilitating 5 workshops and 3 sub sessions | Processing results | Writing a memorandum

Results and more…