Natural Capital Expedition
Natural capital in the agro-food sector, what issues are relevant and what influence do companies and financial institutions have? How do pioneers from the building sector deal with the declining biodiversity and what roles do banks and investors have? During the expeditions, organized by the VBDO, CREM and NextGreen, we discussed these themes. At Bayers ForwardFarm at Roubos Akkerbouw we learned about biologicals and working with nature. Bayer, ACTIAM, Rabobank and Eosta shared their ambitions and experiences with us considering the conversation between financiers, investors and companies. At the CIRCL building in Amsterdam we explored with ABN AMRO, Van Nieuwpoort Group, Dekker Natural Resources and Heijmans the opportunities of naturebased solutions and the multiple business case.
The participants shared their challenges and insights, and an expert panel thought along with participants about possible opportunities and solutions. Both expeditions build on other finance and business processes dedicated to natural capital, in which NextGreen, VBDO and CREM are involved.
We organize the Natural Capital expeditions in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The whitepaper ‘Value Creation with Natural Capital, An expedition by finance and business’ includes the results and key take-aways.
- Finance: Members of VBDO (Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development), members of EU Community of Practice Finance@Biodiversity and members of the former Community of Practice Financial Institutions and Natural Capital
- Business: Partners of CSR Netherlands
- Experts: IUCN NL, AT Osborne, Dutch Butterfly Conservation
- Exploring and deepening the understanding of natural capital risks and opportunities
- Strengthening of network business and finance
- Accelerating the transition of finance and natural capital
Role and activities NextGreen
Co-organizing and co-facilitating expeditions| Whitepaper with results
Together with VBDO en CREM
Results and more…
- White paper ‘Value creation with Natural Capital’
- Slides Natural Capital Expedition Agri-Food 6 March 2018 (partly in Dutch)
- Slides Natural Capital Expedition -Built Environment 23 January 2018
More about finance and natural capital
Pictures: Natural Capital Expeditions