New paper: Business Models and Investments for Nature

The EU B&B Platform Workstream Finance and its financial institution members launched a new paper on scaling private-public investment opportunities. It showcases and analyses six existing examples from our members that have potential for replication and upscaling in Europe. Read the paper here.

The paper will be presented in our webinar series on COP16 on private sector contributions to resource mobilisation, organised jointly by UNEP FI, the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform, PRI and Finance for Biodiversity Foundation.

Business models for nature

Integrating investments and financing for nature across different business sectors benefits the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Specifically, by mobilising and leveraging public and private finance, investments for nature can contribute to strategic conservation and restoration goals, particularly aligning with Target 19 of the GBF to double financial resources for biodiversity by 2030.

Finance sector members of the EU B&B Platform shared six existing business cases that ‘contribute to nature positive outcomes’. The paper emphasizes that collaboration between private and public financial institutions is essential to harness nature’s benefits for sustainable development and resilient economies. Clear KPIs, taxonomies, certification standards, and blended finance mechanisms are critical to scaling biodiversity-focused investments. These conditions enable financial institutions to reduce risks and create value, ultimately leading to successful investments and financing.

Read the paper here.